Please give us a call at 513-443-8351 (this is a Google Voice phone number that if we can’t answer it will transcribe your message and then it emails us, the phone also receives text messages. The Google Voice system helps to keep us organized with our “day” jobs); or use the form below to send a message. You can also reach us via email at sales @ (just remove the spaces!). If you’re wanting to know about New Country Organics products, please include their SKU/product number that usually begin with an F40-, F50-, GC-F35-, HLTH… that will help us both to be referring to the same product.
Please include your mobile phone number, we try to respond within 24 hours or less. Please check your spam folder as emails from us occasionally ends up being placed there for some reason or another. If we don’t hear back from you after responding via email we’d like to be able to follow-up with a text message. If you’d prefer not to leave a phone number, please keep an eye out for a message from our domain (@EmptyGourdAcres) in the spam/junk mail folder.
Empty Gourd Acres is conveniently located off of I-75 from the Cincinnati-Dayton Road Exit #21. We’re two exits north of I-275 that surrounds the city of Cincinnati.